Hi, I am Geet a qualified Leadership & Career Coach (ACC-ICF)

Geet K Vijan

I am a Leadership & Career Coach with 18+ years of experience of working in the area of Leadership development and Enabling organisation growth.

Certified by the International Coaching Federation (ACC-ICF). I have worked with Senior Leaders and High Potential Managers across almost 500 hours of dedicated coaching conversations. 

As a Leadership & Career Coach my work with leaders focusses on helping them know their value, build confidence and develop skills that make them a better leader.

I have had the privilege of coaching Leaders in PSU banks, Automotive and Pharma companies predominantly. Some of the organisation I have partnered with Central Bank of India, State Bank of India, Mahindra & Mahindra, ACG etc.


Coaching has transformed my view towards learning and growth….. Learning and Growth for me always go-together.

About Geet
My values

Core Beliefs


Alignment for me is when we have the opportunity to operate from the place of alignment where we brings our whole self, be it passions, interests values or focus on family.


Uncompromisable ! When we respect who we are, we allow others to respect others. Hence respecting our beliefs and our capabilities is foundational for self growth.


Being stagnant is boring!
Growth is a way of life but growth without learning is inconcievable.

Find Clarity in Your Professional Life

“Listen to the podcast and allow yourself to discover and fulfill your desire(s).”

My mission is

Enabling those who are at junctures in their career where they need to be more confident, mindful, purposeful and strategic towards their growth.

Ready to take control of your career?